We have a dedicated results line for you to contact our nurses for confidential results. Due to privacy and confidentiality, you are the one that can get the results (children age <16 excepted). Our nurses are unable to interpret the results for you, if you are concerned, please book an appointment to discuss with your doctor. We will inform you if the doctor would like to discuss results with you. This is to ensure the accurate results are given to the right patient by a professional medical staff. We will contact you, usually by SMS, if a result needs following up but not routinely if the results are normal.
We are open from 8am to 5pm on weekdays, 8am to 11pm on Saturdays and 8am - 12pm Sundays. Please note some doctors only work on certain days. When we are closed, you can call 1300 030 030 for our after hours GP locum service.
A free service is offered to doctors where an interpreter is required for a consultation for a non English speaking patient. This service is available through the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship. www.immi.gov.au or telephone 1300 131 450
This service is only available free for residents of Australia and not tourists.
Yes, there are four female doctors at our medical centre. We also have female nurses available to assist our doctors.
We have a policy where you may be billed a DNA fee of $50 for a missed appointment. We expect that if you cannot attend an appointment you ring the surgery at least 2 hours prior to the appointment to cancel it. This frees up the appointment for another sick person.
If you regularly fail to attend appointments you may be asked to find another clinic.
We value feedback from our patients. If you would like to make a comment or complaint regarding our services please request a feedback form from reception or email manager@medonemedical.com.au. Complaints can be taken further to the local state complaints conciliation body, the Health & Disability Services Complaints Office on 08 9323-0600 or 1800 813 583.
Your medical notes are confidential. They can only be accessed in the practice by clinicians for the purposes of your care. They are kept securely and will only be released to third parties, or yourself, with your signed consent.
Although most problems are best dealt with in consultation, a doctor will always be available during normal surgery for emergency advice. Out staff are experienced in helping you decide whether the matter requires an appointment, urgent advice or a return phone call from your doctor. For non urgent advice, patients are asked to call back at the end of the current session. For example, 12:30 for the morning clinic and 5pm for the afternoon clinic.
Some blood tests such as cholesterol measurement require that you fast. The duration of fasting is generally 8 hours. Water is allowed and you should take routine medication unless told otherwise.
Yes, if you want your records sent to us at Medone, we will ask you to complete a request form and to provide a copy of your photo ID to confirm that you are the patient. If there is an administration fee for the release of medical records you will be required to pay prior to release. Please ask our reception staff to provide you with the necessary paperwork.
If you are wanting your medical records sent FROM us to another clinic you will need to sign a consent to release form from that practice that they will forward to us.
You have the right to request your medical records under the Privacy Act - this will require an admin fee and time for the Dr to organise.